Samira, this is sublime . You transported me right into the center of your scene and it was like I was a part of it. And of course you are a white wolf. Your words read like that.

If you have ever written fiction or plan or writing it , I would happily gobble everything that you write.

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Thank you Sanket! I love reading fiction and the hope is that I will have a story to write one day glad to know there is someone who will read it :D

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"The forest calls to me and my soul aches to feel the rich moist soil under my feet”.

This sentence, here..I feel like you pulled out exactly what my soul craves right now.

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This is fascinating to read, Samira. I can believe your spirit animal is a White Wolf, there’s a fierceness in your writing that sits right with this image. I love the bravery with which you are writing so many of your essays and how it evokes much for me as a reader. Keep writing!

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Thank you Tanya! Such a pleasure to read all the wonderful ways in which readers are connecting with this piece :)

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I believe every word Samira. Your therapist is amazing, let me say that already. Very few therapists in this region draw on the richness and wisdom of metaphorical healing, something that is so easily available to us as creatures of the living systems.

And that you could access it so beautifully says so much about your own aliveness in this jarring mechanical urban world. You, like your beautiful writing, are wild and be-coming.

I loved every word. I saw it's wonder. In my therapy rooms, when this happens, I cry a prayer inside.

And your writing, uff. Sensuous, strong, palpable. Loved loved it.

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Thank you Reema! I was very lucky to have met my therapist when I did. It was hard work but he brought me back from the abyss. I found the space and courage to begin writing again and then I met all of you lovely people! It's been such a wonderful journey. Thank you for your comment and kind words. It's so encouraging to hear from fellow writers whose work I admire :)

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Samira

Ahhh, this just completely and absolutely knocked my socks off. Every little thing about it. Your voice, your presence, the wolf, your stepping into your power and reclaiming a lost part of you. And most of all, your writing. Powerful stuff!!

Dances with Wolves immediately came to mind when the wolf appeared, so was not surprised when you mentioned it later.

I promised myself, no adjectives in my comment. Only nouns. That said, I loved it so much I’ve read it three times in 2 days.

I’d like to pre-order your book, whenever you write it!!



P.S: what was the prompt?

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Thank you Priya! So glad you enjoyed it :) Comments like yours keep new writers like us going. The prompt was - I didn’t pay attention to it but I didn’t let go of it either.

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I waited to read this at some leisure! Loved loved loved the imagery you created - the foresty one with bare feet and the wind in the hair as well as the one within you!❤️

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Thank you Alaknanda!

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Oh my wow!!! This is something else, Samira! BTW, you do seem every bit of that White Wolf - fierce, brave, gorgeous!

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thank you Sanobar - for the comment AND the compliment(s) :)

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The last two paragraphs are outstanding!

Such a gem. Loved it loved it. ❤️

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Thank you 💛💛

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